On the Lafayette with Jenn & Alden
It’s October!
Like most, I’m a fan of all thing autumn— the tastes and smells, the crispness in the air, and the absolutely jaw-dropping show of leaves transforming. The fall reminds me of family and togetherness, and it’s my favorite time of year.
I’m the happiest on the weekends at home with my family in a warm house, wearing cozy clothes, listening to a record Logan put on in the living room, making breakfast for us all. Some of my best memories from when my boys were small are those weekend days, and I treasure them so much.
All that being said, I have thoroughly enjoyed the summer heat. I spent a lot of time this year barefoot in my yard, pulling weeds and planting flowers, sweating in the sun. It felt so good, and after a difficult season of life, it felt restorative.
I will certainly miss summer evenings.
On one of these last sweet summer evenings of the year, I met with Jenn and Alden in Norfolk for a quick engagement session on their 18-foot motor boat, which he built and holds special meaning. Jenn told me that in the early days of her and Alden dating, they would often to go to Alden’s workspace where he was building the boat, and she would keep him company. I love when couples choose to do a “lifestyle” engagement session— one that’s thought out and inspired by activities they enjoy doing together regularly. They’re usually more laid back and relaxed in nature, which I enjoy, as I can really get to know a couple better.
In just a few weeks they’ll be getting married at The Hermitage Museum, so Alden steered us out near the venue. We stopped several times on our trip to take in the outrageously gorgeous sunset, and for Jenn and Alden to take in a few moments together. It was magical.