At the National Gallery of Art with Nhu & Alex
There is one place I love above all others: Washington DC. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it has to do with my memories of riding the metro into DC with my cousin who was attending the University of Maryland when I was a teenager. I felt so grown up and free. Independent. Since then, I've come back countless times, and have made some of my favorite memories in our nation's capital. I jump at every chance I get to come into the city to work.
Needless to say, I was super excited for Nhu and Alex to choose the National Gallery of Art as the location of their engagement session. Riding the metro into the city with Logan is always my favorite part of coming to shoot in DC. Coming back this time, I felt young.
Nhu and Alex are delightful. I don't use that word often enough. It was my immediate reaction to meeting them though. Nhu, a dentist, is kind, soft-spoken, and has a calming spirit. Alex, who is in finance, is outgoing, chatty, and fun. They've been together for quite some time, but during our session, they were so flirty and sweet to one another, it was like watching a young couple at the beginning of a new relationship! I love how affectionate they are with one another.
What's more, Nhu and Alex make a really great team. That probably is a result of their relationship's longevity, one of the greatest perks of being together with someone for a long while. I feel like that is a strength that Logan and I have; we work great together! I am reminded of this each wedding we photograph, and the longer we work together, the more we uncover what strengths we have. Side Note: Logan has a GREAT eye for leading lines, composition, and styling, and I highly value his creative input. More and more I look to him for ideas and suggestions during a session.
Our time with Nhu and Alex (and in the city) was brief, but we will be back in Washington DC this October for their wedding at the Willard InterContinental Hotel, where I am looking forward to seeing these two as husband and wife!